Life Changing Move

Life Changing Move

Life Changing Move

Extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner landed safely in the eastern New Mexico desert minutes after jumping from his capsule 128,000 feet, or 24 miles, above Earth. His free fall is said to be faster than the speed of sound.

Baumgartner, who was born in Salzburg, Austria, on April 20, 1969, believes that “Everyone has limits – but not everyone accepts them”. He has been preparing for this for five years and he has always believed that he can do it.

Shortly before leaping, in footage beamed live around the world on a crackly radio link recalling Neil Armstrong's first words on the Moon, Baumgartner had said: "Sometimes you have (to go) up really high to (understand) how small you are."

In our lives, we make life changing decisions that we can never take back. It's done and the repercussions are already there. However difficult to accept, we have to learn to live with it and move on.

Felix's phenomenal jump from outer space is a decision he had to make and despite the uncertainty of success or failure, he pushed his limits and risked his life to achieve a goal. He's blessed to have succeeded. 

In reality, it is not always the case. Success is not always there waiting for us. Painful it may seem but it's God's way of molding us to be better decision-makers.

Felix's fall was faster than the speed of sound. He is now a record holder.

Sometimes our fall because of our bad decisions is also fast and deep. They say that the higher you are in life, the lower you'll find yourself buried when you fall. That's no different from what we know in physics. But there's always a way to get back on our feet and climb again. Believe that God will always make a way.

Felix Baumgartner's feat teaches us to dream big and to have the courage to execute it. The irony of his amazing move also reminds us that sometimes, in order to succeed, we must fall!

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