How I Handle Stress

How I Handle Stress

How I Handle Stress

With my Type A personality, finding a low-stress job may be impossible, or if ever I will find one, it will surely bore me to death.

I have always been vocal that my present job is very stressful. Having to deal with a lot of people, from the ordinary to the most professional, a day will not pass by without a stressful situation. I don’t want to be perceived as a complainer, or someone who seem to be always battered by problems, but I just need to get these things off my chest as often as I can because it is my way of coping up with these stresses.

I usually would like to start my day on a positive note, and by that, I don’t usually open my e-mail messages unless I have already said my morning prayer, taken my daily cup of coffee, made some small talks with my staff regarding anything but work, and reading some interesting articles in the web, mostly in yahoo.

I am also a natural with regard to being organized and systematic in all that I do throughout the day. I plan mentally what tasks to do first and what to defer pending some facts. I usually finish the important ones two or three hours before the end of the working hours.

Moreover, I intentionally avoid meddling with interpersonal conflicts in the office. I let the managers handle them. I don’t even ask later how it was resolved or if it was ever resolved. I just don’t like emotionally charged situations. It affects me so much that it kills my early positive outlook in an instant.

At the end of the day, as I drive home, I listen to music. Even if it’s the same line-up of songs day in and day out , they soothe my mind well enough to calm my nerves and bring down my adrenaline levels.

All these I do to keep me sane for the time being. But sometimes, the stresses are just too much and no matter what I do, they haunt me even in my dreams.

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