A grateful heart is all that you need
to let God know that you are pleased.
Be thankful for things you have been blessed this year,
remember to thank God before anyone else.
Things may not have turned out the way you wanted them to,
but clasp your hands in gratitude to God for He has better plans for you.
For those who had peace and were contented,
thank God in silence,for no one else in the world could have given you that solace.
For those who prayed for bonuses and didn’t get what they expected,
thank Him just the same with all due respect because in receiving, you are still blessed.
For the times this year when you were bestowed the things you have not sought,
thank God cheerfully for possibilities you have not thought.
For the times you received some things you most need,
thank God for not waiting your call and for taking heed.
For the times you asked God for things you need to live,
understand the long wait 'cause He knows when to give.
Thank God promptly for daily desires granted,
even if these did not come in the amounts wanted.
God knows what you need or what you want,
so thank Him with relief for deciding what to grant.
If you escaped a mishap, thank God in a snap,
Praise Him for His goodness, shout His Name and cheer up.
For the times you were hard up and didn’t know what to do,
thank God for trusting that you can get through.
For those days of tribulations that you almost gave up,
thank God for He made your troubles ease up.
Thanking God in a few words is worth a thousand praises shouted.
It's enough to lighten your load and be merry this Christmas.
When you want to pray and don't know what to say,
a "Thank you, Lord" is enough to sum up the day.
Give thanks for 2009 and give your best thanks always,
God is Good and everything works together for your good always.