It's the end of October and the tradition of remembering those who have gone before us is here again. Come to think of it, there are many of them this 2009.
My uncle finished his race of life this year. So did Cory Aquino, Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett and Kim Dae Jung to name a few. And, who would forget the flock who moved on through several forces of nature that manifested this year? Indeed, I think 2009 will be one of the "deadest" time in history.
But it's not something that we should be sad about. Let us be reminded that each of us has a purpose in this life, each race to run, each life to live. Once it's done, it's the end of the line. We move on. It may be hard to grasp the rationale behind it but let us not waste time comprehending something we will never understand. Only God knows!
As we remember then those who died this year and in the past, let us look also into our lives and see how far we've ran our race and how effective are we in fulfilling our purpose. Who knows, our time is almost up as well!
My uncle finished his race of life this year. So did Cory Aquino, Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett and Kim Dae Jung to name a few. And, who would forget the flock who moved on through several forces of nature that manifested this year? Indeed, I think 2009 will be one of the "deadest" time in history.
But it's not something that we should be sad about. Let us be reminded that each of us has a purpose in this life, each race to run, each life to live. Once it's done, it's the end of the line. We move on. It may be hard to grasp the rationale behind it but let us not waste time comprehending something we will never understand. Only God knows!
As we remember then those who died this year and in the past, let us look also into our lives and see how far we've ran our race and how effective are we in fulfilling our purpose. Who knows, our time is almost up as well!