I have a big decision to make. There’s so much going in my head that I can’t seem to come up with a convincing rationale of whatever choice I will come up with. I have listened to a lot of inputs and have made my own analysis as well, but I still can’t come up with a good resolution. What’s there to do? NONE. Just leave it all to God who knows what’s best.
I’m just so impressed with Him up there. Life for me has been tough over the last couple of months. But I just want to take a moment here, in the midst of all the buzzing to profess God’s amazing faithfulness.
Too often times what happens is that we do ask for divine help; sometimes it comes, other times it doesn’t. For me, I try my best to look at every hardship or issue as an opportunity for God to work to me. However in the midst of all my difficulties and struggles, there have been hope and prayers answered, but more importantly, and what really strikes me the most, is God’s faithfulness to an unworthy and somewhat so-so holy guy. I mean at one end it’s wonderful to see your prayers being answered, but if you look back and just count the blessings that has been poured out to you, aren’t you so glad that there is Someone who is still faithful to you , even though you’re not? The very fact that He still chooses to be faithful is a thought that just baffles me and at the same time inspires me and brings me to my knees. Paul writes in Timothy in 2 Timothy 2 :13 that..“If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself”
What this means in essence is that God, by very nature is faithful. It’s just who he is! Now, I go on with my life, not worrying what decision to make. I will just wait on how He will make all things for my good, according to His purpose. That’s the beauty of having faith!