Martha’s facial: Beat 1 egg, add 1 teaspoon honey and ¼ teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Apply to face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry. Do this weekly.
Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine used vinegar to treat his patients in 400 BC. The Babylonians, in 5,000 BC regarded it as an antibiotic. The Assyrians, Greeks and Egyptians used it to treat ear infections, bleeding wounds, loss of appetite, gangrene, poor digestion and feminine disorders.
Apple cider and red wine vinegar which are made from whole apples and red grapes could help you enjoy the following:
Fight fat
Enhance the body’s immune system
Lower blood pressure
Lower risk of heart disease
Prevent cancer
Slow down the aging process
Enhance the body’s immune system
Lower blood pressure
Lower risk of heart disease
Prevent cancer
Slow down the aging process
Because apple cider vinegar has alkalizing minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron as well as enzymes, it acts as a super agent of good health by providing natural, living chemicals to the body to fight infection.
Red wine vinegar, like apple cider, contains: polyphenols—natural antioxidants which fends off free radical damage; catechin—flavonoids and bioflavonoids; quercetin—an allergy preventive and relief as well as protector from stomach disorders; resveratrol—a compound which may have anti-cancer and anti-heart disease properties.
Are you overweight? If you answered yes, then apple cider may be the solution. Just 2 tablespoons in a cup of warm water each morning before breakfast will definitely keep you energized and fit.
Studies indicate that coconut sap vinegar is plentiful in B-vitamin inositol and its derivative IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate) which prevent from the formation of cancer. Call Sorsogon Food Ent. at 4272227; 0918-6346010.
While there are many other vinegar varieties like rice, balsamic malt and herbal vinegar, when choosing, look for the organically grown.
Note: Not everyone can stomach vinegar, it could be more acidic to those who are already highly acidic by nature. So, clear with your doctor first.
Dandruff away. Rub apple cider/coco vinegar on the scalp. Leave for 1 minute. Rinse. Repeat daily.
Bugs off. Rub apple cider vinegar on insect bites to remove the itch.
Freckle fader. Folk medicine believes that adding horseradish to your vinegar makes for skin lightener.
Acne fighter. Mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar in 1 cup of water. Dab on blemishes 3x a day after washing your face.
Natural astringent. Mix 1 teaspoon of coco vinegar in 1 cup of cool water. Use cotton swab to cleanse the skin.
Weight loss helper. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider/coco vinegar in a cup of warm water. Drink first thing in the morning before exercise.
Sunburn relief. Splash white vinegar and water and be soothed instantly.
Affirm: “I attract only sweetness in my life.”
Love and light!
Reference: “IP6—Nature’s Revolutionary Cancer Fighter”—Dr. Abul Kalam M. Shamsuddin, PHD “The Healing Powers of Vinegar” by Cal Oray